Sunday, September 13, 2009

Retired Vax Scientist Would NEVER Vaccinate His Children

If you click here you can read an amazing interview of a retired scientist who worked for more than a decade with producing vaccinations. He eventually started to question the business and health issues related to vaccinations, and since then he has left that occupation and no speaks out against the practice of vaccinations. He says that he would change states, change his name, do anything to not vaccinate if he had his own children, because he sees them as an assault on health.

The interview is a bit long, but one of the best I have ever read. I encourage you strongly to read, and if you vaccinate, seriously reconsider what you are doing to yourself or to your child.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Daniel Chapter One & the Federal Trade Commission

FTC orders Daniel Chapter One to lie to customers about cancer remedies; ministry defends health freedom

This isn't a devotional, if you were wondering. This is about a war between freedoms of speech & choice for oneself, and a government agency that has become a public enemy.

The more I read of Michael Adams `Natural News` the more I am impressed. And I am thrilled that he has even spoken out in support of a small Christian ministry & business, and even suggested that people stand behind their cause.

One of the things that really irks me is how much people are expecting & wanting their government to look out for their own welfare, and aren`t willing to do their own research for themselves. They want everything to be regulated so that they no longer have to use their own brains to figure things out for themselves. I say, `GROW UP

People are acting like kindergartener`s, not knowing how to create their own boundaries but requiring outside powers to protect them. Rules and regulations may be necessary for toddlers who otherwise might be attracted to play along the yellow lines in the middle of the road, but once there is any maturing of the cognitive, those children can realize for themselves that playing out there amongst passing vehicles is not a safe place to play. They should no longer require external rules enforced by bigger people. They should have in place an internal grid for being able to choose safety for themselves.

I personally believe that we have created monsters in our societies, because we have lost the ability or even the desire to have our own internal standards that would dictate to us what is proper and beneficial behavior. We have become dependent on the need for continued external regulations. And the more we rely on the external, the less we develop any internal gauge or even ability. We become more and more dependent on the external, thus we require gov`t to create more rules to protect us. Otherwise we are too stupid and will play in the middle of the road.

I think that greater numbers of people are seeing the need for change, and have become distrustful of gov`t to choose wisely for the individual, or even for the masses. The people are thinking for themselves. They are building faith and confidence in themselves that they can figure out what are the facts, the truths, and the safe boundaries for themselves. They don`t require big brother to dictate from his opinion of what must be best for everybody else.

I am hopeful that this coming winter, with the scare of H1N1 and the economic fiascal that the US gov`t has been playing, people will finally open up their eyes to the reality, and start engaging their brains to be able to make wise choices for themselves and their families, rather than gobbling up whatever crap is dished out for them.

Stand Up! Stand Up for Yourself! Be proud that you can think, and you can be wise! Have a backbone, like Daniel Chapter One! They are standing for righteousness and truth, and although they may be small like David who knew there was a God in Israel, they can slew `the giant`with stones of truth. Let`s stand with them in this fight against the FTC, but also lets stand up for freedom and start to choose how to handle our own health.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Studies with Clear Connection between Vaccinations and Autism

Study Proves Link Between Thimerosal and Autism Neurotoxicity

Many parents and other concerned citizens have 'known' that there was a connection between vaccinations and children who became autistic. Now the studies are out, and there is no denying the link.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Don't Inject Me

Monday, August 24, 2009

Everyday is Saturday!

I hope that you are having a great day...

I have something very special that I want
to share with you.....something so powerful
that Hundreds of people are finding New hope
in their lives.

Sam Crowley's "Every Day is Saturday" is
inspiring people across the globe. His message
is fresh and straight forward and literally changing

He recently gave away a f.ree report entitled "Seize Your Power"
you can grab your copy here...and if you have already
received a copy read on because he is giving away more!

The response has from people who have downloaded
and read that report has been nothing short of
inspiring.....check out just some of these remarks...

"Thank you for the hope you have given to me -
l thought l was past it at 63years but l don't want
to take my Saturday dreams to the graveyard!!!"


"Your message hit me like an Atomic Bomb"
For once I have received a message that didn't first
focus on what I was doing wrong, and then looking
for a pay-out at the bottom of a very long, boring email!!!!

I downloaded your "Seize your Saturday Power" and actually
read it Most of them . . . I just download and close the file before
even glancing at them. Your story is inspiring because you
talked about "your experience".

The most powerful line that jumped off the page was:

"Here I was with a message that was being muted."
-Irma, New York

Then Sam released one of his powerpoint presentations
from an Intense 2 Day Boot Camp he conducted in
Orlando Florida along with his World Famous Every
Day is Saturday CD.....which is simply Fantastic!

You have got to get a hold of this:

This is all free and just goes to show how Sam is
Truly different from all of the other noise out there.

I really wish I could share more of the testimonials
for you...but this email would turn into a book.....

Check out what Thousands of people have said is
The Freshest, Most Inspirational and Motivating
message they have Ever Heard.

All the best

Sunday, August 23, 2009

All About Eating for Energy and Raw Foods

Check out these lenses at Squidoo to learn about:

How To Prepare Raw Foods

Benefits of Raw Foods

Eating For Energy

Wintering on Raw Foods

Raw Cacao Debate

As much as I love chocolate, and would love to find out that without any question it was completely healthy for me to eat. However, I think the verdict is still out.

Here's a Squidoo lens to check out about the Raw Cacao Debate

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lenson International Corp

If you are looking to improve your health, check out Lenson International Corp. They have Infra-Red Saunas, Ionic Foot Spas, and Electro-Magnetic Field Neutralizers. We've used their products and are happy with them, and they've had great friendly service.

Let them know that Karen & Everette Johnson (Cambiare) sent you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Paul Nison Interviews Jordan Rubin

Jordan Rubin is author of "The Maker's Diet". Three part interview. Here's the first 2 videos.

They talk about vegans, vegetarians, raw foodists, supplementations, forgiveness, etc.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Balanced Life

I've been blogging over at but its become very ecclectic, much like my life. That's the way I live and think....a little of this and a little of that and a lot of this and that!!

I thought I'd start a blog that was more specialized in one of the important parts of my life..... Health. It'll cover all kinds of things pertaining to our health, but predominantly to our physical well-being. We can't so easily divide ourselves into tidy compartments like body, soul & spirit without these areas overlapping. The health of our body is also dependent on the health of our spirit-man and our mental state (part of our soul). So, there will definitely be overlap. But I'll try to keep this blog primarily to dealing with our physical body.