Sunday, August 2, 2009

Balanced Life

I've been blogging over at but its become very ecclectic, much like my life. That's the way I live and think....a little of this and a little of that and a lot of this and that!!

I thought I'd start a blog that was more specialized in one of the important parts of my life..... Health. It'll cover all kinds of things pertaining to our health, but predominantly to our physical well-being. We can't so easily divide ourselves into tidy compartments like body, soul & spirit without these areas overlapping. The health of our body is also dependent on the health of our spirit-man and our mental state (part of our soul). So, there will definitely be overlap. But I'll try to keep this blog primarily to dealing with our physical body.


  1. Hey Karen! Haven't logged on for awhile since I had no computer. I watched that video with Paul and Jordan a week ago and LOVED it! I talked with Paul on the phone and he sent me his book and it was the start of a 'little' success with Cory's IBD, but then he left me hanging so I went to David Klein which cut Cory's diarrhea to 10/day from 20 but increased his pain and left him bedridden--he kept telling me it is detox--after a blockage and a hospital visit, Kev. and I almost gave in to drugs, but the pharmacist couldn't fill it due to unmatching code and dr. and during that extra day, the Lord led me to Jordan Rubin and then the Maker's Diet and am now reading all of Jordan's books--well skimming parts that are repetitive. Anyways, his plan is working phenomenally!!!! Cory is now down to 1-4 BM's/day and all formed!! This for 5 days now!! We are so happy-BUT realize it is still early. He has gained and is back up to 40lbs from 35lbs. And his rhem. arthritis pain (sacroiliitis) in his hips has really diminished and he is walking without NSAIDS for the first time in 1.5 yrs!! Not far, but it is a start. God is SO AMAZING!! We have a Christian ped. and we discussed God's will with the lifetime drugs they want to put us on etc. and it has been interesting--we really like him and he has been so amazing. Not sure if you got the email I sent you about his diagnosis June 30th but anyway, we are relieved at the moment. I have also put lots of info. on my site on colons, enzymes etc. now. Eclectic like you!!

  2. Hope things are still going well with Cory.
    What's your site??? I'll come visit. And yes, I did get your email about diagnosis.
